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Art Residency

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Art Residency

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The story of
Jardins d'Étretat

The story of
Jardins d'Étretat

At the beginning of the XX century, Parisians from the artistic circles started exploring Normandy, and more specifically Étretat, as a destination for summer residencies.

In 1905, French actress Madame Thébault did not deviate from the fashion but made a rather more original choice of settlement than the city center: she had her villa built on the windy Amont cliff, a dramatic place filled with mystery. She named it "La Roxelane" after one of her favorite historical figures — the legendary wife of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent.

Inspired by the place from where so many artists painted (from Claude Monet to Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot), she decided to create a garden, the first to offer such a breathtaking view on La Manche and the cliffs of Étretat.

Madame Thébault and "La Roxelane"

Reconsidering the Gardens’ concept

In 2015, fragments of the garden were discovered by landscape designer Alexander Grivko, who breathed new life into this place. He brought together historical elements of the old garden and contemporary architectural and artistic ideas.

In two years only Alexandre Grivko managed to create a garden that looks half a century old. To achieve such a feat he used the principles of André Le Nôtre, gardener of King Louis XIV. This historically-acclaimed French master in the art of gardening famously designed the royal gardens and parks of Versailles.

En 2017, l’architecte paysagiste Alexandre Grivko découvre les vestiges du jardin et décide d’insuffler un nouvel élan au lieu. Il souhaite faire honneur à l'histoire du jardin créé par Madame Thébaut tout en instillant des principes architecturaux plus contemporains. 

En seulement deux ans, Alexandre Grivko est parvenu à créer un ensemble qui paraît avoir un demi-siècle. L'un des procédés mis en œuvre pour réaliser cet exploit a été emprunté à André Le Nôtre, le grand maître classique de l’art des parcs et des jardins, connu du monde entier pour avoir réalisé le jardin royal de Versailles. Pour créer le parc de Versailles en un temps record, Le Nôtre n’a employé qu’une quantité

To do so in record time, Le Nôtre limited himself to only a few plant species, thus achieving a striking visual effect through expressively trimmed plants.
The space of Jardins d'Étretat abounds with impressively-scaled plant compositions, the shapes of which are evocative of the natural and historical features of Normandy. There you will observe "waves of La Manche", "spirals and marine whirlpools", "oyster farms", "cliffs and of the Alabaster Coast", etc. In balance between the natural beauty of the ecosystem and architectural achievements, more than a hundred thousand plants provide the gardens their beauty throughout the year.

limitée d’espèces végétales; il est cependant parvenu il est cependant parvenu à obtenir des effets visuels exceptionnels grâce à des tailles minutieuses.

L'espace des Jardins d'Étretat regorge ainsi de grandes compositions de végétaux taillés, qui font écho au patrimoine naturel et à l’histoire de la Normandie. Vous y verrez « des vagues de la Manche », « des spirales et des tourbillons marins », « des fermes ostréicoles », « des falaises et des arcs de la Côte d'Albâtre », etc. Entre mise en valeur de la beauté naturelle de l’écosystème et prouesses architecturales, près d’une centaine de milliers de plantes assurent aux Jardins leur beauté tout au long de l’année.

@Claudia Gaupp

An open-air space for artistic creation

Collaboration with artists lies at the heart of the identity of Jardins d'Étretat. Since their opening, they have served as a welcoming space for the works of over 50 artists, showing exhibitions, artistic residencies, performances, and art interventions. These events have woven a rich network of connections between creators, the Gardens as a living ecosystem, local communities, and visitors from around the globe.

The mission of Jardins d’Étretat embodies a dynamic approach aimed at promoting the artistic and cultural development of the region. It nurtures creativity, encourages interdisciplinary exchanges, and fosters synergies among various actors. By establishing connections between local organizations and specialists from various disciplines, including artists, gardeners, and researchers, Jardins d'Étretat thus become a place for complex dialogue.

@Matteo Carassale